Season Customisation Feature Deep Dive
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Season Customisation Feature Deep Dive

Welcome Team Principals!

It's lights out time again! As a new season approaches, we're rolling out the latest update for F1® Manager 2024 from the garage, our biggest update yet packed with some big features we know you'll love to try out. Update 1.11 will be available on all platforms from Tuesday 25th February. You can find the full list of changes, bug fixes and additions in the Update 1.11 changelog.

F1® Manager 2024's latest feature update brings a series first on Tuesday 25th February, introducing the brand-new ability to customise seasons in Create A Team mode. This new feature enables you to extend some of the customisation options of Create A Team to the entire grid, move existing drivers and staff between teams, create your own drivers and staff, and more.

Let's dive into the details!

Team Lineups

F1® Manager 2024 - Choose A Team

When starting a new Create A Team career, you will now be presented with a suite of customisation options to make the experience your own, starting with your ability to modify the line up of the other 10 teams on the grid.

Ever wanted to see that dream driver pairing at Ferrari, or see how certain drivers and race engineers would work together? At the start of a new Create A Team career, you can now choose the drivers and staff for each team, or you can leave seats vacant and allow silly season to unfold in front of your eyes! 

Custom Drivers and Staff

F1® Manager 2024 - Cockpit

This update not only allows customisation of the other teams on the grid and the structure of the season, you can now also create and customise your very own drivers and staff.

When creating new staff and drivers you can configure:

  • Name
  • Photo (from a selection of pre-generated staff photos)
  • Gender
  • Age
  • Nationality (yes, this means generated staff now all have nationalities!)
  • Marketability
  • Experience (How seasoned a driver or staff member is, effects their mentality.)
  • Acclaim (How renowned the staff member is within the motoring world; this effects their mentality)
  • Development rate
  • Aggression
  • Staff attributes like driving stats or Staff member abilities

Custom drivers and staff can be created for all 11 teams on the grid, so you can create an entirely new set of talent to compete or mix your custom creations with existing drivers and staff from the sport.

While there's a cap on the number of new staff you can create, we've ensured you can replace the entire grid if you want! Any unused free agents you create will transfer to the in-game pool when starting, giving you the ability to create a few up-and-coming rookies or the ultimate championship winning duo.

Build your dream line ups and create unique scenarios; make Williams the best team on the grid and try to catch them, replace all the F1® drivers with high achieving rookies, or race as the champions with a low spec car and a field of high achieving teams behind you. The possibilities are endless and you have total control!

Starting Conditions

A selection of starting options that were previously available to your own created team are also now applicable to your rivals. Tweak the starting balance, facility levels and car performance levels of all teams to create the ideal canvas for racing.

Do you strengthen a historic manufacturer to former glory, give yourself a greater challenge, or start everyone on a level playing field? The choice is yours.

Race Calendar

F1 Cars Racing

The new customisation options also extend to the championship itself. You now have the ability to re-order or remove races from the calendar, with a minimum limit of 8 per year. You can also determine which of the race weekends include high-octane Sprint sessions before the main event.

Create your dream calendar of races that benefit a particular driving style or construct a harsh series of races that’ll punish all but the most balanced cars.

The replayability doesn’t end there! At the end of every season, in both Create a Team or Career mode, you now have the option to randomise the race calendar order and create a fresh challenge for your save.

You will have 3 choices:

  • Keep current: Maintain the same race lineup as the current season
  • Partial: Shuffle ~30% of the races
  • Full randomisation: Change everything!

When selecting an option the current number of races (and Sprints) will stay the same, but the order and which races are Sprints will be shuffled.

Rules and Regs

Alongside race calendar customisation, rules and regulations can also be adjusted - giving you the ability to alter the fundamental rules of F1® within your custom save file. Determine the points allocation awarded throughout a race weekend, add or remove restraints to Aerodynamic testing and Powertrain limits, and even set up the Cost cap and Prize money allocation.

Take the future of the sport into your own hands and modify the regulations to match your predictions for upcoming seasons or go your own way and deregulate for extensive testing.

Your season setup can also be saved as its own preset so you can easily come back and start a new game with subtle changes.

Choose Your Starting Team

Season Customisation

You can now also choose which team you start with when beginning a Create a Team save. After setting up your custom team, configuring the season, customising the drivers and staff, you may THEN decide to start the season with whichever team you like, not just your created team.

Feeling like a new challenge? Create a competitive custom team and then prove your worth by beating them with an established, unmodified constructor. Or make tweaks galore to the other teams on the grid before leading your custom team to glory in a truly unique lineup of competitors.

This free update gives you ultimate control over the F1® landscape like never before, setting you up for success, or the toughest of challenges. With these new customisation tools in F1® Manager 2024, you now have the opportunity to create the season on your terms.

Update 1.11 for F1® Manager 2024 arrives on Tuesday 25th February, alongside a host of fixes, changes AND two new free cosmetic DLC packs! Update 1.11 will be available on all platforms, with the free DLC coming to PC, Xbox and PlayStation, and arriving shortly on Nintendo Switch (stay tuned for details). Check out the full patch notes on the day, and we’ll see you on the grid.

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